群狼踩败叶,鬃毛贼眼黄。厉嗥张剑齿,眦目踱林榔。 倏然奔野兔,离弦没远方。群狼寻踪至,狂追捕行藏。 几回临险境,人生恍猎场。幸我非脱兔,无由伺饿狼。 人兽殊迥异,天命自裁量。造物何来世?如花梦春光? 如鸟鸣春景,随遇便相安?我伴流光逝,返景深谷凉。
英文诗原玉: I am floating like a Shadow by Duke(公爵诗友)
Unnamed flowers were everywhere in thevalley Sending their fragrance was the springbreeze Birds were enjoying the sunshine on thebranches They sang gracefully A pack of wolves were wandering in thewoods Treading on the fallen leaves making crispnoises Wood-colored hair, yellow eyes and sharpmouth, With their eyelight fierce... Suddenly, a hare jumped up violently Fleeting away to the faraway... The wolves flew up and chased In the direction of the hare escapes...
They are many times, I feel that life seemsto me That likes the scene mostly The only differences are that I'm not the rabbit that escapes Nor the hungry jackals that they chase What am I then? The flowers in the imagined spring? Or the birds were singing? Nay, I'm the time tide silhouetting in avalley |