汉译《致花朵》 原作/(英)罗伯特·赫里克 译作/云生 【题记】罗伯特·赫里克(Robert Herrick )是17世纪英国“骑士派”诗人。本诗用拟人化的手法描写了花,揭示了事物的衰亡变化。全诗三节,每节6行,押韵方式为a bb cc b / a dd ee d / a ff gg f ,即:每节开头用同一韵,中间有两个不同韵的对句,每节的结句又与第二、三句同韵。译诗的韵式与原作完全一致。
硕果盈枝满树花, 缘何迅疾转凋零? 郁茂花期未尽情。 何不容留驻树梢, 羞红脸颊含微笑, 倏然魂散终遁形。
堪嗟注定苦生涯, 但求片刻且偷欢, 事后匆匆道晚安? 直讶自然孕育功, 虚言汝辈价无穷, 随手丢弃免嫌烦。
叶瓣纵然爱有加, 纷繁万类景无常, 骄傲须臾任赫扬。 如卿绚烂逞多姿, 明灭兴衰俱暂时, 终归滑入乱坟场。
原作: ToBlossoms ByRobert Herrick Fairpledges of a fruitful tree, Why do ye fall so fast? Your date is not so past, Butyou may stay yet here awhile To blush and gently smile, And go at last.
What,were ye born to be An hour or half's delight, And so to bid good-night? 'Twaspity Nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth, And lose you quite.
But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave: Andafter they have shown their pride Like you, awhile, they glide Into the grave.