烧水壶(现代诗) 文/石秀 2021/2/24周三
耐得住寂寞, 也不怕热闹。 不惧寒冰, 亦经得住炙烤。 最喜欢把冰心暖化, 在一旁开怀大笑。 天生乐观, 从不哭诉, 再难的事也从不苦恼, 再紧急的事也从不焦躁。 屁股被火烧得通红, 还兀自悠悠吹着口哨。
A Kettle By Shi Xiu March 1, 2021
It can bear loneliness, Which isn’t afraid of boisterousness. It isn’t scared of cold ice, Which can also stand being roasted. It like best to warm an icy heart, Which makes it laugh broadly by the side. It’s naturally optimistic, Which never complains tearfully. However difficult a thing is, it never worries. However urgent things are, it’s never anxious. Though its ass is burned until red, It’s still whistling leisurely.