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汉译《早春歌行》 原作/William Wordsworth 译作/云生
【题记】威廉·华兹华斯是英国19世纪著名的浪漫派诗人,本诗描写了诗人坐在树荫下享受大自然美景的情景。全诗共六节(stanza), 均是四行一节, 每一节均呈现交叉韵。译诗保留了原诗韵式。
天籁谐音万千鸣, 斜倚独坐树林里。 闲适随意漾欢情, 蓦然愁绪传心底。
自然造化叹神功, 穿透吾躯驻魂府; 每思及此忧忡忡, 人类求存皆辛苦。
荫绿丛中报春花, 花环缀满蔓枝头。 群芳绰约美无瑕, 尽情呼吸享自由。
周遭雀鸟舞翩跹, 难猜情趣与谁同, 细微顾盼惬意传, 感应天心乐融融。
柔枝嫩叶伸如扇, 捕捉微风活力新, 感同身受生依恋, 尘间万类共欢欣。
如斯信念天上来, 自然禀赋正纷纶。 问汝何由乐生哀, 人类相煎孰为人?
原作: LinesWritten in Early Spring BYWilliam Wordsworth
Iheard a thousand blended notes, Whilein a grove I sate reclined, Inthat sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Bringsad thoughts to the mind.
Toher fair works did Nature link Thehuman soul that through me ran; Andmuch it grieved my heart to think Whatman has made of man.
Throughprimrose tufts, in that green bower, Theperiwinkle trailed its wreaths; And’tis my faith that every flower Enjoysthe air it breathes.
Thebirds around me hopped and played, Theirthoughts I cannot measure:— Butthe least motion which they made Itseemed a thrill of pleasure.
Thebudding twigs spread out their fan, Tocatch the breezy air; AndI must think, do all I can, Thatthere was pleasure there.
Ifthis belief from heaven be sent, Ifsuch be Nature’s holy plan, HaveI not reason to lament Whatman has made of man?